Talented and Gifted (TAG)

Plan for Continuous Improvement

A. District Goals

Goal Statement

What special programs or services will be provided to accomplish the goals?

Implementation Timeline

How will progress be measured?

How will success be measured?

Goal #1

100% of K-12 students will be on track to graduate

AVID, Freshman Success Data Team, PLC and RTI teams, Harrisburg Flex Academy and Individual Eligibility Student Plan

August 2023-June 2026

Graduation rate and percent of students in grades 7-12 meeting core academic standards.

TAG Modifications and Student Summary Survey results.

Completion of AVID CC

Graduation rate and percent of students in grades 7-12 meeting core academic standards.

TAG Modifications and Student Summary Survey results.

Completion of AVID CCI.

Goal #2

Improve equitable identification practiced by providing training on characteristics of gifted learners, the identification process, developing PEPs, and implementation of PEPs with fidelity by the end of the 2026 school year.

CogAT training for TAG district team and second-grade teachers.

Training of teachers in the district on identifying the 6 styles of learners, characteristics of EL learners, and the identification process.

All training will begin in the Fall of 2023.

Completion of training with staff sign-in and exit ticket feedback to be reviewed by the district team. In addition to an increase in TAG referrals and students and families participating in the process.

Students identified as TAG.

B. Professional Development Plan: Identification



Provided by


Staff person who is responsible for TAG identification in your district Darcey Edwards, Principal, Elementary

Required statewide training

Oregon Department of Education

April 2023

District TAG team

ODE Training video on Identification

HSD TAG coordinator

August-September of each school year

Staff who have already been trained in previous years

Refresher Identification training

HSD TAG coordinator

August-September of each school year

C. Family Engagement

Comprehensive TAG Programs and Services

Date and/or method of Communication

Identification procedures (including referral process)

● Fall School Newsletters
HSD School District TAG Identification Process

Universal Screening/Testing grade levels

School and district-level communications

Individual and/or group testing dates

School newsletters (weekly @ elementary and high schools, bi-monthly @ middle school)

Explanation of TAG programs and services available to identified students

Fall conferences, school website, and/or possible individual family meetings and mailings

Opportunities for families to provide input and discuss programs and services their student receives

Parent input questionnaire

Explanation of the TAG learning plan (Personal Education Plans or Instructional Plans), if available

Annual PEP meeting

TAG informational events (elementary) - where parents learn about TAG profiles, explanations of district and school programs and services, etc.

Annual PEP meeting, Fall Curriculum Night

TAG informational events (middle school) - where parents learn about TAG profiles, explanations of services and programs offered to TAG-identified students, transition expectations from elementary to middle school, etc.

Annual PEP meeting, Fall Parent Night

TAG informational events (high school) - where parents learn about TAG profiles, explanations of services and programs offered to TAG-identified students, transition expectations from middle to high school, etc.

Annual PEP meeting

Notification to parents of their option to request withdrawal of a student from TAG services

Annual PEP meeting

Notification of the right to file a complaint concerning TAG programs or services, beginning with the district-level complaint process

Annual PEP meeting

Designated district or building contact to provide district-level TAG plans to families upon request

Darcey Edwards, Principal, Harrisburg Elementary School